Wednesday 17 June 2015

Home Remedies For Hypertension - High Blood Pressure

Over one third of Americans have hypertension. All those people think they need to be put on meds to get their blood pressure back to normal. For some people that is the only way to get their blood pressure into normal ranges.  However, for others, there are natural remedies for lowering blood pressure. 

One of the best ways if not the best way, is exercise.  Exercise is a wonderful remedy for a huge number of ailments.  For people that are overweight, have high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.   

You don’t have to hit the gym 7 days a week, or workout so hard you almost pass out.  All it takes is a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes a day. That’s all you have to do is just get your heart pumping and you are on your way. 

Another home remedy is cutting out fatty foods.  Try to stop eating at fast food restaurants; those are the worst places to go if you are trying to get healthy. There have been documentaries about what fast food can do to your body and your blood pressure.     

Salt, cut it out all together.  There are other things out there to add flavor to your food. Stop eating fried food, fried chicken, fried pork chops, fried fish; it’s all bad for you. If you still want to eat those kinds of food, well, you can. Just bake, broil or grill it. 

One of the hardest things I had to do is cut back on my sodas. It’s true, look on the back of the labels of the next drink you have. You would be amazed at the high level of sodium that goes into each serving.

I know the alternative for soda doesn’t sound too appealing; however water is the best alternative for you. Water doesn’t do the damage that soda does and it’s a heck of a lot cheaper.  It will make a world of difference in the way you feel as well.

Eat plenty of fruit people, apples, grapes you name it, it’s good for you.  Try to eat grapes for a snack instead of pigging out with candy and potatoe chips. They taste just as good and it’s a whole lot cheaper and better for you. 
I know all these remedies may be tougher to do then I ma
ke it out to be.  However you have to take that first step.  I wouldn’t recommend trying to cut everything out all at one time.  I would take one step one week, then another in a couple of weeks and so on and so on. 

It’s your life people, and you are the only one that can determine if you want to do this.  If you decide to go with these hypertension natural remedies, your body will thank you for it, and so will the people who love you.

What Is The Normal Blood Pressure Range - The Human Body

You would think your blood pressure normal range would depend on the person. You know, like your height, weight, and how tall you are. However it just doesn’t work like that.    

What Is The Normal Blood Pressure Range ? your normal blood pressure range should be between 110 over 75 to 120 over 80. If your Systolic and Diastolic numbers are out of the normal range you may ask, "What can I do to get my blood pressure in the normal range?" The very first thing you should do is beat a hasty track to your doctor to determine if there is a health problem causing the high numbers. However there a few things you can do on your own.

Cut Out Fried Foods

You know the foods I’m talking about, like fried chicken, or, well anything fried for that matter. I know for some of us, that will be like cutting off our right arm. However, it’s not nearly as painful and it can save your life.        

Get Rid Of The Salt Salt 

I would say cut back the amount of salt you use, however we both know if you don’t stop using it all together, then you won’t stop at all.  You know it, and I know it, so cut it all out. But to make it easier for you use other healthy spices to enhance the flavor of your food. 

Limit Soft Drink Intake

Here is one that I think would be the toughest for most us.  We have been doing it since we were old enough to pick up a can of it. That is our wonderful soda pop. I know nothing is finer than drinking an ice cold Pepsi or Coke. 

However, take a look at the label and see the sodium in each can or bottle. It can be staggering the amount we put in our body.   

Eat Healthy Suggestions

Now for some of the good foods that are out there that we can eat to replace some of the bad stuff.  Apples are great, and you know that old saying “an apple a day will keep the doctor away” Well its true.  Try an apple instead of those chips.  For that matter any fruit will do.     

Stop Smoking

Now here is one that may affect some, however not all.  For smokers out there that have high blood pressure, YOU HAVE TO STOP!!!  There is no way around it, if you stop now then you can lower your blood pressure plus your lungs would be very thankful.  


Exercise is a very vital part to getting your blood pressure to the normal level.  This is more about will power then it is about some physical ailment. It is very important for you to pick regimen and stick to it.    

Not only will you get your blood pressure to a normal level. You can get your cholesterol down, it helps fight depression and overall you will just feel great.  

What it boils down to, is making a choice to do something which will benefit you, and the people who care about you. I say go for it to make you have  the normal blood pressure range!!

Monday 15 June 2015

34 Symtoms Of Menopause - Early Signs

If you are female and in your late 30's to early 40's and you are noticing some changes in your menstrual cycle, it may be time you learn what the 34 symtoms of menopause are.

The first thing you will notice is that your periods will start to become irregular. They may get shorter or longer and the bleeding lighter or heavier. Some months you may even skip a period. Premenstrual symptoms may get worse, also.

Other early signs you may notice are insomnia and night sweats. You may have trouble falling asleep or find you are awake often throughout the night. These are forms of insomnia and you should talk to your doctor about it sooner rather than later. Do not wait until you are completely exhausted. You need your rest, just like everybody else, and when you don't get it you could get sick or have a serious accident.

Night sweats may not seem like a big deal and in the grand scheme of the symptoms of menopause you will experience, they may not be. But, it can be disconcerting to wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat and have to get up and change your pj's and the linens on your bed.

You need to know that perimenopausal symptoms can last for as long as ten years before you are actually considered 'in menopause'. Menopause is when you have not had a period for 12 consecutive months.

You would think that all the symptoms would be done then, wouldn't you? Not so at all, you will still experience the hot flashes, the nausea, the mood swings, the food cravings, the decreased interest in sex and the fun doesn't stop there. No, the further you get into menopause then you have to worry about vaginal dryness and vaginal atrophy.

Every woman is different and so are the signs she will experience. Some of you may just sail through menopause completely unscathed, while others will have severe symptoms and need assistance in finding effective treatments.

I know we all used to laugh at our mothers when they had hot flashes, we thought it was so funny. Now we wish we hadn't laughed quite so hard...payback is a b****!

A few other symptoms that you may or may not experience are headaches, weight gain, and anxiety. Weight gain is common in menopausal women but there are things you can do to combat the battle of the bulge like eating right and getting some exercise every day.

You will no doubt be looking for ways to treat your symptoms and there are several natural ways to start. Herbal supplements are big weapons in the war your hormones are waging on you. Things like Black Cohosh and Valerian Root help with hot flashes and help you sleep better. St John's Wort can help with the mood swings.

Talk with your doctor and find out what they recommend. Your doctor will probably talk to you about Hormone Replacement Therapy, or HRT. While HRT is the most common treatment for symptoms of menopause, it can increase you risk for heart attack and stroke, breast and ovarian cancer.

Recipe For Master Cleanse - 10 Day Cleansing

Today more and more people are interested in learning how to clear out the toxins from their body (losing some weight along the way is a plus too). There are many types of cleansing diets around and one of the most popular is the master cleanse. Sometimes called the lemonade cleanse or the maple syrup diet, this cleanse has helped thousands of people lose excess body weight and toxins. You can make this mixture on your own, the recipe for master cleanse only has 4 ingredients.

The idea is to limit what you put in your body for 10 days. Your primary 'food' will be the cleanse though you can add water, tea and clear broth if you want to add some variety. It's very important that you only use organic and fresh ingredients. Since you are trying to get rid of chemicals from your system, you don't want to add more by using ingredients that may contain preservatives or additives of any kind.

To be successful will take some preparation, both mentally and physically. It's not easy to go without solid food for 10 days. Most people will fail their first time, especially if they ignore this tip and don't prepare for the cleanse.

To help yourself get ready you should first set a start date. Give yourself at least a week before you plan to start. Once you've got your date set, about a week before you start your cleanse, start cutting back on your food intake. Don't starve yourself, just start eating a little less and start eating lighter options. This is especially important if you're a meat and potatoes kind of person. It will be a real shock to your system to suddenly only 'eat' liquids.

You also want to get your head around the idea of the cleanse. Try to calm your mind and don't set yourself up for failure by establishing unrealistic expectations. Don't expect to lose 50 lbs or suddenly look 30 years younger. Don't do it just because you have a class reunion coming up either, do it because you want to get healthier for you.

Once you've spent at least several days preparing your mind and body, it's time to prepare your lemonade. Most people like to prepare a pitcher each day, that way the lemonade is nice and fresh and you don't have to make a glass of lemonade for every meal. Keeping it in the refrigerator will keep it tasting it's best and the added coolness can actually help you step up your metabolism a little bit too, just another added benefit.

The recipe for a pitcher is:

12 Tablespoons each of lemonade (use fresh lemons, and squeeze them yourself) and organic maple syrup. Add 1/2 teaspoon of fresh cayenne pepper powder and 60 ounces of water. Stir well and refrigerate.

Whether your main reason for doing the cleanse is to lose weight or detoxify (or both) this easy to make recipe for master cleanse can help you succeed in your goals. If you can stick with it for the full 10 days you should really pat yourself on the back for a job well done!

Symptoms of Pre Menopause - Self Help Tips

If you think you are in symptoms of pre menopause you should look for are irregular periods to start off with because the hormones that have been managing your period like clockwork for the last 30 years have now gone berserk and love to cause havoc to your system.

You may start to feel minor hot flashes that only last a couple of seconds or you may notice that you wake up in the middle of the night sometimes absolutely drenched in sweat. Night sweats occur often and usually signify then onset of other symptoms of pre menopause.

People close to you may notice that your mood swings are happening more frequently and are more severe than usual. Being irritable for no reason and snapping when someone approaches you could be a sign of pre menopause. If you enter a room and the people in the room get up and tip-toe out you may be pre menopausal.

When you do have a period, and as time passes they will get fewer and farther between, the premenstrual symptoms you experience may be worsened by pre menopause.

Other symptoms include sudden cravings, depression, nausea, headaches, decline in sex drive, breast tenderness and anxiety. Now doesn't that just brighten your day? Seriously!

Some women will never experience any of these symptoms and then there are the women, like me, who have experienced every single blasted one of these symptoms at one point or another. Sometimes on a really good day they all converge and gang up on me all at once. At that point all you can do is duck and cover and hope for the best.

I do not know how many times I have asked the various people who are closest to me to shoot me in the head because I just can't take it anymore. They refuse to do it. So I am relegated to being a pissed off, sweaty, b-word for the next 5 or 6 years because pre menopause can last up to 10. Yes, I said 10! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10! Where's the fair in that, I ask you?

Oh well, by the way, there are some things you can do for yourself that will help things go a little smoother and they are, keep your diet well-balanced and get some exercise daily. Even if it is just a walk around the block. Drink plenty of water, and we all know what the recommendation on that is, don't we? Stay away from caffeinated drinks, diet drinks with aspartame, quit smoking, and cut down on your alcohol consumption. Try to reduce the stress in your life. I have noticed that stress is a big trigger and alcohol will trigger a hot flash that will bowl you over like a tsunami.

Look into herbal supplements that can help relieve your symptoms. Go talk to the person who runs your local health food store and see if they can give you some advice on what to take. There are also a few over the counter medications that you can ask your doctor or pharmacist about to relieve your symptoms of pre menopause.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Perimenopause Periods -Treatment - Natural Herbs Can Help

If you are in your late thirties to early forties you may be experiencing signs and symptoms of perimenopause periods  treatment options include HRT, or hormone replacement therapy. Some may say HRT has too many side effects and risks associated with it and refuse to even consider it as a treatment option.

Perimenopause is a stage in a woman's life when the eggs she was born with are running out and she will no longer be able to have a baby.

Perimenopause can last any where from two to ten years before actual menopause sets in with the average length being four years. When you have gone without a menstrual cycle for 12 whole months you are considered menopausal.

The hormones that have regulated your menstrual cycle all these years have basically gone off the deep end when you are in perimenopause and you can no longer count on them to be regular. They have a mind of their own and will surprise you with a period when you least expect it.

You will start to experience these irregular cycles and may have shorter or longer periods and it will be different every month. Some months your period will last for three days and then the next month it will seem to last forever. Premenstrual symptoms may increase as well and become more severe as time passes.

Perimenopausal symptoms can come at any time and in any combination. Hot flashes and night sweats, not being able to fall asleep or stay asleep if you do fall asleep. Mood swings that would make the Pope want to do an exorcism or peeing your pants when you cough or sneeze. All very dignified and proper, yeah, right...shut up!

If you do start to have any of these symptoms, it might be a good idea if you go see your doctor. He or she can order a blood test to tell how close you are to menopause. these tests are called FSH and LH blood tests and measure the follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone levels of your blood. The results of these tests will give your doctor a good indication of when you will enter menopause. 

Other perimenopause periods treatment options include herbal medications and supplements that can alleviate symptoms and help level out the raging hormones coursing through your veins.

Herbal supplements like Black Cohosh and Ginseng, St. John's Wort and Red Clover are all effective in treating the symptoms of perimenopause. Many people also swear by supplements containing flax seed oil or fish oil, B Complex vitamins and anything with soy in it. Valerian Root has been shown to help with insomnia and anxiety. There are other products that you can purchase online. Some come in the form of pills and some come in the form of liquid. Liquid supplements may work better than pills and the one I tried actually tasted just like Tang.

It is all in what you find that actually works. You may have to experiment with different herbs in different combinations for quite a while before finding the solution to your symptoms. Eventually you will find your preferred perimenopause treatment.

Natural Treatment Of Menopause Symptoms

Are you looking for a natural treatment of menopause? I have a few suggestions for you. Please keep in mind that these are only suggestions and there is no guarantee that your symptoms will be relieved. If you do not get any relief just keep looking for the right mix of herbal medications. You are bound to find one that works.

As we all know, every woman goes through menopause. On average, right around age 50. Some women, like me, start very early. I started with perimenopausal symptoms basically when I was thirty-eight. It wasn't anything more than a rush of hormones at that time but it did make me feel nauseous and light-headed.

I tried to talk to my doctor about menopause when I was 42 and he just laughed at me. He wasn't my doctor anymore after that. When I was 44 and started having nausea day in and day out for 2 whole months, I asked my doctor at the time if it could be hormone related and she told me I was too young without even pausing and thinking about it for a minute.

Well, I have not had to worry about my menstrual cycle now for almost two years. My last menstrual cycle was when I was 46. Too young, my behind. Doctors...what do they know?

Some things that I have learned over the past four years for the natural treatment of menopause are; alcohol and caffeine will trigger massive hot flashes, so I do not drink much anymore. Not that I did to begin with but I drink even less now and I had to give up coffee and pop to boot.

To cool down quickly when having a hot flash run cold water over your wrists and splash some on the back of your neck. Let them mostly air dry don't dry with a towel. You will feel better almost immediately.

You can try increasing your intake of foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D. These are important to decrease your chances of developing osteoporosis after menopause.

Soy products have been known to help some women with their menopausal symptoms. You can buy soy products, like soy milk, in your local grocery store.

There are herbal remedies like Black Cohosh, Valerian Root, Red Clover and some even say peppermint and licorice will help with menopausal symptoms.

It is all just been trial and error for me and no one thing has given me total relief except the one thing ordered off the internet. I took this remedy and was hot flash free in four days. I had to quit taking it though because it gave me the most incredible heartburn I have ever had in my life.

Too bad the only thing that actually worked for the hot flashes had to be bad for my stomach. I was so elated when I was hot flash free that I almost kept on taking it but the heartburn got so bad I just couldn't.

Natural treatment of menopause is put there you just have to take the time to find what works for you.

Menopause Vaginal Dryness - Treatment Remedies

Hot flashes are the first symptom women usually complain about when beginning the process of menopause vaginal dryness is the second. The best advice is to talk to your doctor about what causes vaginal dryness so you understand and how best to treat it.

Vaginal dryness is caused by the decline in estrogen levels in a woman's body making the walls of the vagina thin and dry. This condition can make having sex very painful and could lead to a condition called vaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy would make having sex virtually impossible. The friction caused by intercourse would cause trauma and bleeding to the vagina and, in turn, make the woman not want to participate. This would obviously cause a rift in the relationship and could lead to it's destruction.

There are a few things you can do to treat vaginal dryness effectively. First and foremost, keep yourself hydrated, it stands to reason that if there is more fluid in your system then there will be more fluid available during sex. Always drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

You can increase your consumption of soy and soy products, olives, olive oil, nuts and beans to help stabilize the production of estrogen in your body. Plants that contain phytoestrogens are useful in treating vaginal dryness. Phytoestrogens work in a similar way to natural estrogen and may be a better alternative to HRT. Soy is a great source of phytoestrogens.

Herbal supplements have become increasingly popular when treating symptoms of menopause vaginal dryness. Herbal supplements can help increase sensitivity to the female genitalia as well as help relieve symptoms of menopause and reduce stress.

The use of water soluble lubricants is another suggestion to decrease discomfort when having sex. Available over the counter, they come in different scents or even flavors for each others enjoyment. Never use vegetable oil or petroleum based lubricants, especially if using condoms. These products will cause the condom to fail.

Tell him if sex has become painful and find a solution together. It is not unreasonable to expect him to help with this situation. Suggest to him that you would like to try extended foreplay to help you "warm up" before actual intercourse. Tell him he should take his time and maybe even get a little creative with possible solutions to your vaginal dryness problem. Working together and communicating well can prevent the breakdown of the relationship.

If your sex drive is seriously inhibited your doctor may prescribe a low dose testosterone cream to increase it. The creams generally contain 1-2% testosterone and are not to be used as lubricants. Use them as directed by your doctor. As with estrogen therapy, testosterone therapy has it's risks and side effects.

As you can see there are plenty of options out there for treating vaginal dryness. Talk with your partner about the problem and talk to your doctor about options then make an informed decision about how you want to treat your menopause vaginal dryness.

Menopause Mood Swings - Control It

Are you having menopause mood swings? If you are interested in finding out what to do to control them then stick around. I have some suggestions and advice for you.

Menopause can be a very trying time for those of us lucky enough to be in the middle of it. The hot flashes are bad enough but add in all the other symptoms and menopause can make your life downright miserable. Mood swings are a fun one to experience, aren't they?

One minute you are feeling and acting normal and in the next instant, for no apparent reason, you have turned into Medusa and your family has gone running for cover. What the heck happened?
Hormones, that's what happened. During perimenopause and menopause, it's like the hormones in your body are confused and in chaos. They really do not know which end is up so they cause these menopause mood swings and give you the power to clear a room with just one look.

There are ways to control your moods so your family will enjoy being around you again. You may have to make some small changes but it will be worth it if you can mellow out.

To increase the amount of estrogen in your system, without having to go on hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, try eating foods made from soy. Soy milk and other soy products are available at your local grocery store. Soy is rich in some things called phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens mimic the effects of your body's own estrogen and can help level out your mood and may even help decrease your hot flashes.

If you continue to experience severe mood swings, you could try an herbal supplement. There are several available that help with menopausal symptoms and can help with your mood also. Specifically, St. John's Wort. St John's Wort helps level out the chemical serotonin in your brain. Serotonin is commonly referred to as the "feel good" chemical and when it is not to the level it needs to be, you have mood swings and even depression symptoms.

Always talk to your doctor before you start taking any herbal supplement, especially if you are taking other medications. Your doctor can tell you if it is safe to take the supplement or if you will cause a drug interaction by taking it. Better to be safe than sorry.

The most effective way to elevate your mood, though, is regular exercise. Exercise has so many benefits and improving your mood is one of them. Even if you are convinced that nothing could possibly make you feel better and you are determined to not even try. Force yourself if you have to and get outside and take a walk. You will soon see that your mood has improved and you can even start liking yourself again.

The exercise you do doesn't have to be so intense that you can't walk the next day. As long as you do something to make your body move for 20-30 minutes every day. Don't let menopause mood swings control your life any longer.

Menopause Hair Loss - Body Age

Menopause hair loss is just one more of the symptoms experienced during menopause. Thinning hair is, of course, due to decreased levels of estrogen and increased levels of testosterone in your body. Be reassured you can still strive to age gracefully and look your best.

When estrogen decreases to a level below the amount of testosterone in your body you may start to notice the beginnings of hair loss. You may notice more hair in your brush when you are done brushing your hair or more hair in the drain after your shower or just notice that you are shedding more hair than normal.

Several other factors can come into play when it comes to losing your hair like genetics, nutrition, thyroid problems, specifically hypothyroid, stress, and chemotherapy treatments. If you have none of these conditions and are still losing your hair, talk to your doctor about your hormones. They are probably the culprit.

When you do talk to your doctor, ask about supplements that will help with hair growth. He or she may prescribe the active ingredient in Rogaine, called minoxidil, to start to regrow some of your hair. It's not just for men, ya know.

Natural supplements can also help improve the state of your head. The four most effective are, Biotin, Flaxseed oil, Evening Primrose oil, and Zinc.

Biotin helps strengthen hair and nails, is essential for metabolizing fats and amino acids and can help regulate blood sugar levels. When blood sugar levels are not within normal limits the body produces an excessive amount of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. DHT is the major factor in the destruction of hair follicles.

Flaxseed oil keeps hair and nails healthy and decreases the amount of oil secreted by the body and aids in healing.

Evening Primrose oil is rich in Omega 3, conditions your scalp and reduces the production and appearance of dandruff.

Zinc assists with thyroid function and reduces hair loss due to hypothyroidism. Taken with copper to maintain a proper mineral balance, zinc can affect the hormones responsible for genetic hair loss, called alopecia.

Always follow the recommended dosage on the supplement package or whatever dosage your doctor oks for you.

During perimenopause and menopause it may seem as if your body has turned against you and is staging a mutiny. But in reality this is a time for you to embrace the new you and learn to enjoy the newest phase of your life. The phrase - You're not getting older, you're getting better is so, so true.
The symptoms of menopause will eventually decrease in severity and allow you to live your life to the fullest without having to worry about when your next period is going to start and if you have enough feminine supplies to get you through.

If you happen to be one of the 30% of women who are affected by menopause hair loss, remember there are treatment options available to help you so you too can live a healthy, happy mid to late life. These are truly the best years of your life.

Cleanse Weight Loss - Reducing Body Fat

Cleanse weight loss has been touted all over the internet as the best way to lose a lot of fat and toxins quickly and easily.  But how do you do it and does it really work? Well, according to thousands of people who've done it the answer is yes, it does work, and quite well too.

Not only does this diet allow you a quick weight loss of up to 20 lbs., but it can also, and maybe more importantly, help you clear out your system of all the years of built up and dangerous (and potentially deadly) toxins. We all have a buildup of toxins in our bodies. Every thing we eat and drink can potentially be exposed to chemicals.

When you combine various chemicals in your body you run the very real risk of 'overdosing' your body with all these chemicals. The problems associated with these chemicals can be minor to headaches and feelings of fatigue to much more serious such as rashes and high blood pressure or even heart disease.

To do the cleanse you will need to commit to a few days up to one week where you won't eat any solid food. You will drink the lemonade mixture and water or broth. That's it. It's not easy to do, you will need a lot of discipline and a huge commitment to make this work.

For that reason it's best to prepare for the cleanse ahead of time. Don't just jump into it on the spur of the moment, if you do; it's very likely that you'll fail. It's much better to get your head around the  concept.  For example, several days before you're going to start the cleanse, start eating lighter meals. Eat more fish, chicken and soup or salad. That way you'll get your body ready to eat less food.
Make sure to take the time after the cleanse to slowly build back up to solid foods. If you try and run out and eat a huge, heavy meal right after the cleanse, you'll make yourself very sick. Instead add a few things such as juice and soup slowly over a day or two. Than you can add more items until you've gotten to the point where you're eating regular meals again. You can do this cleanse every month, if you want to.

To make the cleanse lemonade you will need lemons, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. You can make a pitcher at a time (enough for one day) or a glass at a time, it's up to you. Just try to use only organic and fresh ingredients. There is no point adding more chemicals back into your system during the cleanse.

Using the Cleanse weight loss can be a great two for one. You can lose weight and lose a lot of harmful toxins from your body at the same time. Just make sure that you take some time beforehand to prepare yourself mentally and physically. This isn't  the easiest diet to do.

Cleanse Recipe - Losing Body Fat

The master cleanse diet has been around for years and thousands, maybe more, people all around the world proclaim it a winner when it comes to losing excess body fat and detoxifying your body.  If you want to give it a try for yourself you may want to know what the cleanse recipe is and how to make it.

The basic cleanse recipe is quite simple, it consists of fresh lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water.  (I''ll give you the exact cleanse  recipe below, just keep reading).  This unlikely combination of ingredients will help your body get rid of years of built up toxins as well as 'slough' off excess fat you've also been building up for years.

Many people claim an initial weight loss of up to 20 pounds, though it's very common to gain at least some of that weight loss back since a portion of the weight loss is actually just water weight.  Even so, losing up to 10 pounds of fat in a healthy way in just a few days is pretty impressive.

What may be even more impressive is the fact that the cleanse will also help clear your system of so many really harmful toxins.  These toxins can cause a lot of problems in your body. They can manifest themselves in many ways such as a rash, irritable stomach, bloating, and headaches to name just a few.  Cleansing will help you clear your system so you can feel relief form these minor ailments immediately after the cleanse.

You can cleanse monthly, if you want to .  Just make sure that before and after the cleanse you prepare your body. It will be difficult to maintain the cleanse for several days, but if you're committed and disciplined you can do it. 

Pick a date that you want to start. Make it a few days, or a week or two away.  Once you've got your 'start' date down start preparing yourself mentally and physically for the cleanse. For example, you can start eating lighter foods for several days prior to the beginning of the cleanse. Instead off eating a lot of heavy meat and potato type meals you might want to eat more broth and soups. That will help acclimate your body to ingesting fewer calories while you're on  the cleanse.

When coming off the cleanse you will want to slowly add more solid foods back into your diet. When I say slowly I mean over a period of days. The first few days off the cleanse, add some juice and soup broth. Than you can slowly add more and more heavy foods until you're back to eating normal.

OK, now that that's out of the way, here is the  cleanse recipe (this recipe will make you a pitcher full so you can drink it throughout the day). Try to only use organic ingredients whenever possible:

1.  12 Tablespoons of Lemon Juice
2. 12 Tablespoons of Maple Syrup
3.  1/2 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper Powder
4. 60 ozs. of water

Mix it up in a pitcher and sip on it during the day. Ideally  you will spread it out over the day and not just drink it all right away.

Master Cleanse Cooking Ingredients - Losing Unwanted Body Fat

With only 4 master cleanse cooking ingredients it's easy to make this 'lemonade'. The mixture works exceptionally well at helping you detoxify your body while losing some unwanted body fat. In 10 days you can be healthier, less toxic, and lighter. But, it's not going to be easy, you're going to need to be very motivated and disciplined if you want to get through the cleanse successfully.

Before you even attempt the cleanse you should take some time to get yourself ready for the experience. There are a few things that you can do that will greatly increase the chances that you'll get through the whole 10 days. First things first though, for those of you who aren't familiar with the master cleanse, it's simply a 10 day liquid diet that washes excess body fat and toxins from your body.
You mix up a lemonade mixture which will be your primary source of nutrition for the cleanse. If that gets too boring you can add tea, water, and clear broth, but that's it. No solid food at all. In preparation make sure you cut way back on the calories you take in for a day or two before you start the cleanse. You should also make sure you stay well hydrated before, during and after the cleanse.

Make sure you talk to your doctor first if you have any health issue or are taking any medications.  If you feel dizzy, sick to your stomach or disoriented, stop the cleanse and call your doctor. 
You may want to start a journal so you can record the changes in your body. You will urinate more and have more frequent bowel movements, this is all good. It's a sign that the toxins are being flushed out of your body.

It's not uncommon for people to feel a little bit worse the first few days of the cleanse. This is because all the toxins are working their way out of your body.  It shouldn't last the whole 10 days, it usually gets better by about day 4.

As important as the preparation is before the cleanse, what you do after the cleanse is also very important. If you try and go out and splurge on a big meal when you're done with the cleanse you'll most likely make yourself sick. You should slowly start introducing solid foods back into your diet over a period of days.

Start with light foods like salad and soup and work your way up, slowly, to more filling foods like meat and carbohydrates.  Of course once you've detoxed your body, there's really no reason you have to add things like tobacco and caffeine back into your diet at all. If you can, just stop ingesting toxins.  That also goes for excess amounts of sugar.

Here are the ingredients you'll need to make a pitcher of the cleanse. Do this every morning and you can get a glass whenever you want to during the day:

12 Tablespoons each of fresh squeezed lemon juice and maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 60 ounces of water. Just mix all these master cleanse cooking ingredients together in a pitcher and you're ready to go.

Cleanse Diet Plan - Plan To Success

Many people are interested in using the master cleanse diet plan as a way to lose weight and detox their body. It has helped thousands of people over the years and seems to be the one diet and cleansing recipe that can handle the balance between working and being non harmful. Every one is different and everyone will react differently, but with all the successes many people have experienced, you will most likely have great success too.

This cleanse is also referred to as the lemonade diet, the cayenne pepper diet and the maple syrup diet, obviously because of it's main ingredients.  The whole idea is to use these ingredients to wash the harmful toxins from your system and 'reset' your internal balance.

For those of you who aren't familiar with what this diet entails, here is a brief overview.  You may not realize it but most people actually have a a large amount of toxins in their systems. These toxins can run the gambit and cause minor, or major, health issues. Some of the most common issues are things like fatigue and constipation. Eliminating these toxins is the primary focus of the master cleanse.

You will stay on this liquid diet for a few days, depending on your results. You will drink the master cleanse for several days. Prior to starting the cleanse it's usually helpful to set a start date and get yourself in the right mindset. You will need to take a laxative on the day before you start your diet since the cleanse doesn't have any fiber.

Drink one 8 ounce serving every 4 hours while on the cleanse.  While on the cleanse you will not be eating any solid foods, you'll just be drinking the lemonade mixutre. You will stay on the cleanse for 2 to 4 days.

Now, on to the diet mixture recipe.  The recipe is made up of commonly found household items. You don't need to buy any difficult to find products in order to make a cleansing mixture.
Here are the ingredients:

1. Fresh lemons

2. Maple Syrup

3. Cayenne Pepper Powder

4. Water

You can use this recipe to make a full pitcher of the cleanse ( I will also include a smaller recipe if you want to make an 8 oz. glass size of the cleanse):

12 Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 12 Tablespoons of Maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper and 60 ozs. of water. Add all ingredients to a pitcher and drink the whole pitcher of lemonade mixture throughout the day.

For smaller glass size (8 ounces) servings use this recipe:
1/2 tablespoon lemon juice, 1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup, 1/16 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and 8 ounces of water.

This diet can be done monthly if you so desire. Make sure to stop the diet if you have any allergic or bad reactions. If you have dizziness, muscle cramps, or nausea stop the diet. It's also a good idea to talk to your doctor before you attempt this type of cleanse, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Do not use tobacco during this diet cleanse.

Using this master cleanse diet plan can help you shed unwanted pounds and toxins from your body, which can help you finally achieve the weight loss and health you've been looking for. This diet can help alleviate many common minor health issues for you, give it a try.

California Herbal Remedies - Menopause Symptoms - Buy Over The Counter

Several herbal remedies menopause symptoms respond to and get alleviated by have been used by the Chinese for centuries. Menopausal symptoms include hot flashes, nausea, insomnia, anxiety, vaginal dryness, night sweats, weight gain, mood swings, headaches and possibly decreased sex drive. Now, listen, every woman is different and every woman may not experience all of these symptoms all at once.

Some symptoms may be more prevalent than others, my personal experience has been mostly having hot flashes and feeling nauseous. The occasional night or two of insomnia and night sweats and anxiety with the unbelievable number of hot flashes I was having.

Not to scare anyone but when the hot flashes started for me they came every twenty minutes and didn't let up for months, maybe even the better part of a year. Now I just have several a day and pretty much have gotten used to them. They still are a bother but not nearly as bad and my mood is much better even when I do have one.

Most california herbal remedies menopause can be bought over the counter and you may have to try several before you find one that works for you. The ingredients come in different combinations and strengths so finding the right combination may take a while. So try to deal with the symptoms the best you can until you find the right one.

Black Cohosh is the main ingredient in all menopause california herbal remedies and is an effective treatment for hot flashes, insomnia and increased anxiety. If you take this on it's own though it may not work for you. Keep trying.

Red clover is used in combinations with Black Cohosh and contains phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens. Plant estrogens work like estrogen found in a woman's body and are taken to regulate that specific hormone. Red clover may also help alleviate hot flashes.

Dong Quai has been found effective as a treatment for night sweats and anxiety related to menopause.
Ginseng Root is used for a variety of reasons but in the treatment of menopausal symptoms you may find it useful for relieving headaches and aiding in sleep.

Agnus Castus, also referred to as Chaste Berry, assists the pituitary gland in balancing the hormones of your body.

St. John's Wort has antidepressant qualities and can help regulate your mood swings. Trust me on this one, everyone in your family will be glad for this herbal remedy! Menopause is not only difficult for you to handle but you need to understand it is just as hard on the people who are important to you. Mood swings can be kinda scary sometimes and your family may just run away screaming.

I, for one, can tell you that menopause is no picnic and the sooner it is over the better, although, symptoms may last up to ten years. I am not kidding. Ten years! I figure I have got four down and six to go. I have used most of these herbal remedies menopause and I am still looking for the combination that will work for me to relieve my symptoms.

Beyonce Master Cleanse - Improve Your Overall Health

Are you ready to  experience beyonce master cleanse? Do you think you have the discipline to stick with this regime for several days, up to a week?  If so, than you're going to be in for a great surprise since many people have not only lost weight doing the cleanse, they've also banished so many toxins from their bodies that they've found a lot of minor ailments just cleared up and went away.

It's very common for people to report not only a fairly significant weight loss after a cleanse but also improved energy levels and overall health. Many common aches and pains seem to just disappear after doing a cleanse. This is likely due to the fact that you've flushed years of built up toxins out of your body.

Also, losing upwards of 20 lbs. has been reported by many people who have completed a cleanse. It's important that you fully understand that not all of the weight you lose will be fat, some of it will be water weight and you will regain that after you go off the cleanse and return to a more normal type diet.

Of course sticking with a purely liquid diet for days on end can be a huge challenge. It's just not easy to only drink your meals as anyone who has had to do a colonoscopy prep can testify to, but if you're able to do it you'll love the results.

The basic concept is this, you will drink only this lemonade mixture which will help clear all the buildup of toxins out of  your body, for several days up to one week. You will need to prepare for the cleanse as well as take some special steps after the cleanse.

For example, before you do the cleanse pick a start date. Make sure you have all the ingredients for the cleanse. A few days before you're going to start the cleanse, start easing off your food intake.  Instead of eating your normal heavy meals start eating lighter. Eat more soups, salads, and fish or poultry. The point is you want to get your body used to having fewer calories since this will make it easier to stick to the cleanse.

When you begin the cleanse all you will drink is the lemonade recipe, some tea and water. No solid foods while you are on the cleanse. You can take an all natural laxative daily while on the cleanse.
If you have underlying health issues or you start to feel dizzy, sick to your stomach, or any other side effects talk to your doctor immediately.  When you have finished the cleanse, you will want to slowly add solid foods to your diet. Take several days and only add juice and broth for the first day. Than some light salad or soup and then back to normal meals.

Don't forget, normal meals doesn't mean fast food or sweets. If you do that you'll just gain back all the fat you've lost and that would be a waste of time to
 experience beyonce master cleanse.

Home Remedy Cold Sore Natural And Store Bought


Having a cold sore can make you uncomfortable and just generally irritated and unhappy. While there is no cure for cold sores, there are some home remedy cold sore treatments that many people have gotten relief with. You may or may not experience the same results but it's worth a try to alleviate some of the pain and discomfort you're feelings, isn't it?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus. This is not the same virus that causes genital herpes which is herpes simplex 2. The simplex virus 1 can be dormant in your body, often since childhood, until the right set of triggers occur and trigger a full fledged outbreak.

Of course if you can identify what triggers your outbreak you may be able to stop some of the outbreaks even before they start. Simple things like making sure you eat nutritiously (I know you may be wondering what that has to do with anything but the healthier your body is in general the easier time it will have fighting off all types of illnesses and infections).

Go easy on the things that aren't good for you like nicotine, too much caffeine and junk food. Instead get enough sleep, keep your body hydrated and try to keep your stress levels at a reasonable level. If you have a high stress job, for example, try to at least learn some techniques for de-stressing a little bit.

You could take a yoga class, learn to meditate or just go kick boxing, whatever you can do that will help you stay calm.

Now, here are some home remedy cold sore treatments for you to try;

1. Take an ice cube and apply it directly to the cold sore. Hold it in place until the cube has melted. This can be a little uncomfortable but if you can get rid of the cold sore more quickly it might be worth it. Once the ice cube has melted take a dry towel and carefully dry the cold sore. Dab it, don't rub it. Once it's dry take a little rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball and dab the cold sore. This will sting, but the cold sore will be a little bit numb from the ice so not as bad as it could.

2. Take Lysine when you first feel a little tingle on your lip (this is usually the first sign that you are getting a cold sore) Use it 3 times daily and hopefully this will prevent the cold sore from actually forming in the first place. If you've never heard of Lysine, just go down to your local drug store and ask them where to find it.

3. Don't re-infect yourself by using the same toothbrush or toothpaste. Buy a new toothbrush and toothpaste at the first sign of an outbreak.

When you have an outbreak, or to prevent an outbreak, use one or more simple
home remedy cold sore treatments to find the relief you need much more quickly than you might have thought possible.

Cold Sore Blister - Try To Be Careful

A cold sore blister is a large, painful lesion that can weep and seep with pus. Gross, I know. They are also very contagious. You can easily pass on a cold sore if you're not careful. You can even create an outbreak on another part of your body if you're not careful. All you have to do is to touch the cold sore and then rub your eyes. That can cause an outbreak around your eyes, which is really not fun.

At the very beginning of an outbreak you will feel a slight tingling or burning feeling on the site of the outbreak...usually the lips.  This can occur many days before the actual blister appears so it's important that you recognize it so you don't pass it on before you realize that you're getting a cold sore and that you're contagious.

The next stage in the development of a cold sore blister is the actual blister. It's usually fairly small at this point and there can even be more than one clumped together. These blisters are filled with pus and can be not only unsightly but painful as well.

The skin around the blister will be tender and painful to the touch. It can also have a red appearance and just look sore. After a while the blisters will become even more attractive as they erupt leaving and open, weeping wound (lovely, I know).

After a few days of weeping (the cold sore will be weeping too) the blister will start to dry up and a scab will form. This is the point where the outbreak can start to itch and burn. Try not to give into temptation to scratch or you will break open the scab and cause the area to bleed.  The itch and pain will go away after several days.

Over the next several days the scabs will start to fall off and you'll be left with 'new' pink skin.  Usually that pink will fade within a few days an you should be left with clear, scar free skin.

Don't forget, you have to be careful during an outbreak or you can pass the infection on to others and even on to yourself in other areas of your body. Having an outbreak around your mouth is bad enough, think of what it would be like around your eyes or on your fingers. Yuck. Wash your hands thoroughly and often to help avoid this problem.

And to try and decrease the number of infections you get, try to eat right, get plenty of sleep, use a multi vitamin and wash your hands thoroughly.  It's always better to prevent an outbreak then it is to treat one.

Even though most of us will get an outbreak at some point or another, none of us like them. Not only do we want to avoid the pain and ugliness of a cold sore, we also hate the idea that we have to change our daily routines so we don't pass them on to others.  As far as I'm concerned, you can keep your nasty little cold sore blister.

Canker Sore Remedies - Avoid Certain Foods

If you have canker sores you will definitely be looking around for effective canker sore remedies. Canker sores can be very painful and may be triggered by certain foods, stress, or injury to the inside of your mouth.

Foods that are acidic and can trigger a canker sore are foods like lemons, oranges, pineapples, figs, apples, tomatoes or strawberries. Other causes may be dental problems like a sharp tooth or ill-fitting dentures. Sometimes the friction from braces can cause an outbreak, also. Acidic juices and carbonated drinks can also contribute to the formation or exacerbation of canker sores.

There are two types of canker sores, simple and complex. Simple canker sores are caused by the foods or dental problems discussed above. Complex canker sores are usually caused by some underlying medical condition that causes immune system depletion like Celiac disease or Crohn's. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies play a major role in the development of canker sores.

Some people may think that canker sores and cold sores are one and the same. This is not true. Cold sores are caused by a virus and develop on the outside of the mouth. canker sores develop on the inside of the mouth. Though canker sores and cold sores can be equally as painful, they are not the same thing and both require different treatment.

If you have a painful sore or sores in your mouth, feel a burning sensation or rough spot develop before the sores appear, have a low grade fever, swollen lymph glands or feel sluggish, you may be fairly certain you have canker sores.

When you have an active canker sore you will need to steer clear of the types of foods we discussed earlier because they will not only cause you pain when you eat them but they may even make your condition worse.

If the sores do not start to heal on their own in a few days or you cannot eat or drink, you should not hesitate to see your dentist to receive canker sore remedies. You will also want to do yourself a favor and get a toothbrush with a soft bristle. Keeping your mouth clean is a good way to help the canker sores heal up quicker.

Some other symptoms that should prompt you to see your dentist are unusually large sores, sores that spread, sores that last more than three weeks, sores that cause severe pain, or you have a high fever.
There is no cure and canker sores can happen to anyone but with care and learning to avoid certain acidic or even spicy foods you may be able to reduce their frequency and severity. If the pain is too severe your doctor or dentist should be willing to prescribe you with a pain med that is effective in reducing the amount of pain you are feeling.

Over the counter canker sore remedies are available and may help with the healing of your canker sores. Over the counter pain medications may also help so you won't need to ask for a prescription from your doctor or dentist.

How To Get Rid of A Canker Sore Fast - Rest Can Help

It's tough to think of anything else, when you have a canker sore,  all you can think of is how to get rid of a canker sore fast. No matter what you try, it's important to remember that everyone is different and some people will have great success with one method while other's won't experience any relief from that method at all. So, the point is that you have to keep looking until you find the relief you want and need.

Many people recommend using magnesium hydroxide as an effective relief to canker sores. To make this remedy al l you do is to take a magnesium tablet and let it dissolve in a glass of water.  Sip the water and hold it and swirl it around the inside of your mouth for several minutes.  Don't swallow it. Since you're trying how to get rid of a canker sore fast and not cure an upset stomach, you don't need to swallow it. Doing this throughout your day, up to six times during the day, can provide some relief. Just keep doing it until the canker sore pain has gone away.

There are also many over the counter remedies that can help relieve some of the pain. These medicines can not only relieve some of the pain they can also help speed up the healing process, and hey, who wouldn't want that?  The sooner you use these topical gels on the canker sore, the sooner it will heal so if you're prone to getting canker sores often have a gel product on hand so you can deal with the canker right away.

Using a salt water mixture or mouthwash to rinse out your mouth can also help most people. By keeping the sore clean you can help it heal more quickly. Using mouthwash or a salt water solution can be pretty painful but if it helps the healing process it might be worth a little bit of sting.
Using vitamin and mineral supplements might also help clear up the canker sore more quickly. Sometimes bad nutrition can lead to the formation of canker sores so providing your body with the proper nutrients might help clear things up more quickly. If you suffer from a lot of canker sores you may help keep them at bay by simply taking a vitamin B12 supplement every day.

Other things you can do to prevent recurring canker sores can be as simple as avoiding spicy or acidic foods. Not eating a lot of 'rough' foods might also help decrease the number of canker sores you get.  Make sure you keep your mouth clean by brushing and flossing frequently. 

And of course, never underestimate the importance of getting enough rest and trying to keep your stress level to a minimum. These things will always help you stay healthier in general.

By following some simple day to day lifestyle changes you can dramatically reduce the number of canker sore outbreaks you have to suffer through.  When you have a canker sore the best way how to get rid of a canker sore fast as you can do is to start immediately treating the affected area.

Getting Rid of Cold Sores - 3 Helpful Tips

We dont wants to suffer through two weeks of painful, ugly cold sores so getting rid of cold sores can seem almost like a matter of life and death. There are a lot of things that can cause a cold sore outbreak. Too much stress, hormone changes, extreme temperatures, other illnesses such as a cold or the flu can undermine your immune system and make you more susceptible to an outbreak.  Cold sores are the result of the herpes simplex 1 virus (it's the type 2 herpes simplex virus that causes genital herpes).

Most people, up to 80% have the herpes simplex 1 virus in their bodies. Many of us will come into contact with it early in life. The virus can stay dormant and then, given the right triggers, flare up into a full fledged outbreak.

Here are some proven best ways for getting rid of cold sores. Try different ones until you find the one that works best for you:

1. Be very careful how often and when you touch or scratch your cold sore. Cold sores are very, very contagious and though it may sound odd, you can actually re-infect yourself on other parts of your body. Don't pick, and when you touch the cold sore, wash your hands thoroughly.

2. Keep the area around the cold sore clean by washing it with hot water, as hot as you can stand without burning yourself, and anti bacterial soap. Keeping your existing outbreak from spreading is going to help you get over the outbreak more quickly.

3. Find an L-lysine ointment to use on the cold sore. When you apply the ointment make sure you start at the edges of the cold sore and work your way in. That way you won't spread the virus from your cold sore to other parts of your face. And of course, after you apply the ointment make sure you wash your hands.

To help prevent further outbreaks, or at least lessen the number that you get, try to isolate what triggers your outbreaks. If you seem to get an outbreak at a certain time of the month, and  you're a woman, your outbreaks might be related to your hormonal cycle (though they could also be related to the stress that you may have with all your monthly hormonal changes rather than the hormone changes them self).

And always treat your body well. Eat well, get the proper balance of nutrients, get plenty of sleep and avoid excesses in alcohol, caffeine and sweets. If you have a high stress life, and there's not really anything you can do to change the stress level, at least find healthy ways to deal with the stress. Taking a yoga class, meditate or just taking a walk around the block can help you keep your stress at bay which can help prevent outbreaks.

No one wants to suffer through a painful cold sore outbreak. Following some simple tips can help you keep your outbreaks to a minimum. If you still end up with an outbreak the tips
above are the best tips for getting rid of cold sores.

Treatment For Vaginal Yeast Infection - Relief Now

Vaginal yeast infections are the result of a bacteria that is naturally found in the body, Candida albicans. Normally this bacteria will live a quiet life and cause no problems but when the Ph of your body gets out of balance the bacteria can turn into a yeast infection. There are many forms of treatment for vaginal yeast infection, it's really just a matter of finding the one that works best for you.

Many things can cause your Ph to get out of whack. Things like taking birth control pills, your monthly cycle ( and the hormone swings that come along with it) pregnancy, some antibiotics, steroids, and diabetes are just some of the most common reasons why the acidity level may be thrown off which can then result in a yeast infection.

In some cases you can lessen your chances of getting a yeast infection by avoiding some of the causes such as steroids or using a douche product, but for the most part your body will do what it does and you're just along for the ride.

Of course, a yeast infection is terribly uncomfortable so finding a treatment for vaginal yeast infection is going to be the most important thing on your mind.

It's first necessary to make sure that you actually have a yeast infection. if you've never had one before you should probably visit your doctor so she can confirm that it really is a yeast infection (if you've had them before you'll probably be able to recognize the symptoms and don't need to keep going to the doctor every time you get one unless it gets really severe).

Some of the most common symptoms of a yeast infection are: itching and burning inside and around the outside of the vagina, whitish discharge that is a different color or consistency than normal, unusual pain during intercourse, swelling of the vulva, pain when urinating, or a rash or general soreness in the genital area are all signs of a yeast infection.

The most common treatment is an anti-fungal that can come in both a pill and cream form. These can be either over the counter or prescribed by your doctor. The cream will come with a special applicator that will help you apply it inside the vagina. A suppository is also another way to get the medicine to the affected area.

There are also many products that can help relieve the discomfort associated with a yeast infection such as the itching and burning. Since a yeast infection might take a few days to clear up, you want to get all the relief you can while you wait.

Some women are embarrassed to go to their doctor when they suspect they have a yeast infection. This is often due to the mistaken belief that a yeast infection means that they are dirty or sexually promiscuous... neither one of those things is accurate. Don't hold off on getting treatment for vaginal yeast infection, why suffer when you can get relief?

Sleep Apnea Dental Device - Help Now

If you have sleep apnea and have trouble using a CPAP, or a continuous positive airway pressure, machine while you sleep, you may be a good candidate for a sleep apnea dental device to treat your sleep apnea. Some people do not even know they have sleep apnea unless they have someone in their life that is with them when they sleep and can tell them they have it.

To confirm this then you should get a referral from your doctor to have a sleep study. A sleep study will pinpoint just how many episodes of sleep apnea you actually have during the night, how long they last and figure out just how severe your condition is.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep for a few seconds up to as long as a minute and upon resuming normal breathing snorts or snores loudly. Sleep apnea occurs many times during the night and can cause the person afflicted with this disorder to not get sufficient rest at night and can contribute to a type of chronic fatigue.

Chronic fatigue can cause you to not be as sharp mentally as you need to be during the day and at work, which can end up affecting your daily life in many negative ways. Decreased productivity at work can cause you to lose your job or inattentive driving can cause you to have an accident and injure yourself or someone else.

One way to combat the effects of sleep apnea is to wear a sleep apnea dental device. These devices mold to your mouth and hold your tongue and palate in place, keeping your airway open so you can breathe throughout the night and wake up rested and rejuvenated.

These dental devices are used mainly in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea in patients not are not dealing with obesity who cannot use the CPAP machine at night due to claustrophobia or other forms of intolerance to the equipment and can reduce the severity of sleep apnea by up to 60%.
There are two main types of dental devices for the treatment of sleep apnea. The first is a tongue repositioning device and is custom fitted to the patient's lower jaw and works by raising the soft palate and keeping the tongue from falling back and blocking the patient's airway.

The second dental device is called a mandibular repositioning device which actually repositions the jaw creating much needed space behind the tongue therefore keeping the airway open, reducing the frequency of the sleep apnea and also greatly reduces snoring. You will need to be closely monitored by your dentist to maintain the fit of the device and make sure it is working properly.

Sleep apnea can occur up to 30 times or more per hour when you are sleeping and severe cases may require surgery as a corrective measure, especially in cases in which the patient is diagnosed with blockages in their nose or throat.

The dental devices available are very effective in the treatment of mild to moderate sleep apnea but the patient may complain of tooth pain, mouth or jaw soreness. Your dentist will tell you that these side effects should subside and you will get used to the sleep apnea dental device in a few weeks to a few months.

Definition Of Sleep Apnea - 3 Types Of Sleep Apnea

Definition of sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by the stoppage of breathing while sleeping from 10 to 60 seconds and gasping for breath or snorting or snoring when breathing is resumed.

There are three types of sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Central Sleep Apnea, and Complex Sleep Apnea. Each are caused by different factors but both can lead to serious complications up to and including death.

Obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by the tongue and muscles of the throat relaxing to the point of blocking the airway during sleep possibly caused by obesity. Men over the age of 40 who are considered overweight or obese are the most affected by this type of sleep apnea. This is not to say that women cannot also be afflicted with the same disorder it is just more prevalent in men.

Central definition of sleep apnea is characterized by a defect in the respiratory center in the brain being unable to transmit the correct signals to the muscles responsible for breathing to initiate a breath.

Some people can suffer from a combination of these two types and this is called Complex Sleep Apnea. Anyone of any age can be affected by sleep apnea, even children. Premature babies are most likely to be subject to sleep apnea because their lung function is impaired due to being premature.
The premature infant is usually sent home with a device called an apnea monitor and is kept on the monitor until approximately two weeks after true gestational age is reached and their doctor deems it safe for them to be removed from monitoring.

If you suspect your spouse has sleep apnea, watch them for a few nights in a row and record what you observe. Snoring is not always caused by sleep apnea but can be a sign of obstructive sleep apnea and that if it gets worse or is loud enough to wake the dead, you should consult your doctor about.

Typical sufferers of sleep apnea actually stop breathing frequently throughout the night with as many as 30 episodes or more with gasps or snorts heard when breathing resumes. Keep an ear open to how many times this happens during a one hour period and also if the way they are breathing wakes them up frequently. Night sweats are a frequent occurrence with people with sleep apnea, especially complex sleep apnea.

Also as a part of your record, note how your spouse feels during the day. Are they tired, irritable, impatient, feel depressed or have frequent mood swings during the day? Do they wake with a headache or dry, sore throat? If they do this probably means they are not getting good rest during the night and should see their doctor to talk about sleep apnea and possibly enter into a sleep study to confirm or rule out sleep apnea.

Treatment for sleep apnea may include a CPAP machine that you wear at night, a mouth guard, or in the most severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea, surgery may be needed. Talk to your doctor about your definition of sleep apnea to find out what your best option is.

Sleep Apnea Symptoms In Women - Snoring - Snorting - Chocking

The first sleep apnea symptoms in women you may become aware of her snoring. Snoring is not always indicative of sleep apnea but if the snoring is loud or is more of a snort or choking sound, the culprit may be sleep apnea. Mainly caused by a blockage of the airway, sleep apnea can be successfully treated with a number of options available.

Your body needs to sleep to rejuvenate itself to keep functioning day to day. If you have sleep apnea, your body cannot stay in REM sleep because of the decrease in oxygen signal your brain to wake you up. You eventually have what is referred to as a chronic sleep deficiency and this leads to another sleep apnea symptoms in women of excessive day time sleepiness.

OSA, or obstructive sleep apnea, affects approximately 4% of men and 2% of women in the US although the figures may be much worse than previously though due to the increasing number of Americans becoming obese. Obesity is not a symptom, it is a cause. Of the 18 million people estimated to have sleep apnea it is further estimated that only 10% of them are receiving treatment for their problem.

Men over the age of 40 are more likely to have sleep apnea than women of the same age. After the age of 50 the risk evens out between men and women. Obesity makes sleep apnea worse. About 70% of obese people in the US have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is not discriminatory and affects men and women of all walks of life including people with heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke, NFL Football players, Whites, African-Americans, Asian and people from India.

So what happens when one is diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea? Well, first, the airway becomes obstructed by the tongue and soft palate. Next, trying to take a breath is not successful even though the muscle motion is made. Then, the oxygen level drops signaling the brain to wake you up so you will continue breathing. This is when you will gasp for air, snort, or snore very loudly.

Other types of obstruction that can affect breathing when sleeping are a deviated septum that has narrowed the air passages, or the filters in the nose called turbinates that obstruct breathing if they become swollen and the side walls of the throat collapse to close the airway. Sometimes the airway is obstructed while attempting to breathe when the tissues of the airway get sucked together by the negative pressure.

If you have a deviated septum you can try using the strips on your nose made for holding the nasal passages open. This may be enough to alleviate your symptoms and let you get the sleep you so desperately need and deserve each night. Before you try anything though you need to discuss all of your options with your doctor to see which is the best for you.

In order for you to take a breath several things have to happen all at once. The muscles of the chest expand and lower the diaphragm and create a negative pressure allowing you to take in a breath. The negative pressure created is what sucks the air into the lungs. Sometimes the airway is just narrower than normal and plain and simple anatomy is the obstructive sleep apnea symptoms in women responsible for your sleep disorder.

Constant Yeast Infections - Skin

Skin yeast infections can occur on the skin anywhere on the body where the skin is allowed to remain moist and warm. Some people are prone to getting constant yeast infections especially if they are overweight and diabetic. Being diabetic also makes these constant yeast infections worse and makes them take longer to heal than normal.

If you are overweight, anywhere you have a skin fold is susceptible to skin constant yeast infections. Remember to dry these areas well after bathing and keep them dry throughout the day. wear cotton underwear and clothing to maximize your skin's ability to breathe. Synthetics do not allow your skin to breathe and make you more susceptible to getting constant yeast infections.

I know that when you hear the term 'yeast infection' you normally associate it with a female vaginal yeast infection or thrush (a yeast infection in the mouth, usually a nursing infant) or athlete's foot. Yeast can grow anywhere if the conditions it needs to grow are all present at the same time.

Constant yeast infections, or candidiasis, are caused by a fungus called candida albicans. Areas infected become red, swollen, itchy and painful. If not treated these areas can become cracked and bleeding can occur. If they do open up then you run the risk of other infections setting in and causing further problems.

Years ago my mother fell and broke her humerus bone in her upper arm and because she could not move her arm for several weeks she developed a yeast infection under her arm and in her arm pit. Since she needed assistance bathing herself I would stop over several times a week after work and help her. What we did to treat the yeast infection she got was to spray a wash cloth with the same stuff you would use for athlete's foot and then carefully place the wash cloth under her arm. This worked very well and the yeast infection was gone in about seven days.

Antifungal medications are available over the counter but if you do not know what to use then do yourself a favor and get the advice of your doctor before spending any money. My mother's doctor advised us to use the spray and it worked like a charm but even as a nurse I probably would not have though about using the spray and tried to use some cream instead, possibly causing my mother more pain than I would ever intend on causing her.

Other treatment options are prescription medications that you take by mouth but obviously your need can only be determined by your doctor. Taking these medications carefully and only as prescribed is very important. Do not, I repeat, do not mix these medications with alcohol because if you do they create something a lot like formaldehyde in your blood stream and will make you wish you were dead or make you very sick at the least. Embalming yourself while you are still alive is ill advised.

Constant yeast infections are very easily treated and really are no big deal as long as you do treat them promptly and they do not become bigger than they need to be.

Preventing Yeast Infections - 9 Common Sense Tips

Maybe you are prone to yeast infections you are probably wondering what preventing yeast infections steps you can take to cut the number of times you have to suffer. Since yeast infections are caused by the Candida albicans fungus that is always present in your body, your best bet for lessening the outbreaks is to find the things that allow the Candida to grow unchecked and turn into an infection.

Many things will allow the Candida to become overgrown. Basically anything that throws the PH balance in your body off can help the Candida to grow. Some of the most common culprits are antibiotics, birth control pills, steroids, hormonal changes due to menopause and your monthly cycle and too much stress.

There are some other things that contribute to the overgrowth of Candida. Candida thrives in moist warm areas of the body, keep these to a minimum and you can help lessen the number of infections that you get.

Here are some ideas:

1. Tight clothing that doesn't allow your body to 'breathe' can also encourage the growth of the Candida which can eventually lead to an infection. Clothing that is made out of nylon is particularly bad. Try to avoid wearing nylon underwear or panty hose. Instead wear thigh highs and cotton underwear.

2. Make sure that you thoroughly dry your vaginal area after a bath or shower (or when you go swimming). Keeping this area dry will help to curtail the growth of the Candida.

3. Of course keeping your vaginal area clean is a given when it comes to preventing yeast infections.
4. Take off your wet bathing suit as quickly as possible after you've gone for a swim. Also make sure to keep your suit clean. Sometimes it's easy to think that if you're swimming in a pool the chlorine will keep your suit from getting dirty but it still needs to be thoroughly washed and allowed to dry completely before the next use.

5. When you wipe yourself make sure you wipe from front to back so you don't transfer yeast from the rectum to the vagina.

6. Do not douche. Douching actually can make things worse since it disrupts the natural balance that keeps the Candida in check in the first place. Your body is best at regulating the Ph, don't trust a man made product to do it the right way.

7. Eating yogurt that contains live cultures can help keep your levels in balance. Lactobacilius acidophilis can help your system keep the balance it needs to stay healthy.

8. Synthetics are notorious for cutting off air flow. This only makes an already moist environment even more hot and moist and that can contribute to the growth of Candida, which is definitely not what you want to happen.

9. Stay away from any feminine sprays or scented soaps. Also don't take a bubble bath since this can irritate the vagina. Try not to use scented feminine pads or scented toilet paper since all of these things can cause irritation.

While you don't have complete control over what your body does, there are some simple things you can do to cut back on the number of yeast infections you do get. Preventing yeast infections can be as simple as changing the type of toilet paper you use.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Treatment - Be Aware

Obstructive sleep apnea treatment consists of using a CPAP, or continuous positive airway pressure, machine or fixing the obstruction with medication, dental devices, or surgery. If you suspect you have obstructive sleep apnea you should see your doctor as soon as possible so you may begin treatment.

Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that affects the way you breathe when you are sleeping. Not only is obstructive sleep apnea a serious condition it could be life- threatening. Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition in which you actually stop breathing for any where from 10 to 60 seconds up to 30 times per hour every hour you are asleep.

Some of the symptoms or affects you may notice are feeling more tired when you wake up than
 when you went to sleep, being more tired during the day, frequent morning headaches, recent unexplained weight gain, inattentiveness, poor judgement and memory loss, mood swings and depression.

Your doctor should be able to make a correct diagnosis just by you relating these symptoms to them and then can order a sleep study to confirm their diagnosis and to get you started on an obstructive sleep apnea treatment regimen to reduce your risk for high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

During the sleep study you will be monitored for electrical activity of your brain, REM sleep, heart rate and blood oxygen levels. If it is confirmed that you do have obstructive sleep apnea you will be awakened and fitted with the CPAP machine which blows air into your nose and or mouth at a continuous rate to help keep your airway open. Once you go back to sleep the technician will adjust the flow until the best rate of airflow for you is determined.

After the sleep study, you may be required to purchase your CPAP machine for the time you need to use it or you may be able to rent one from a medical supply store. Any tubing you need for CPAP operation should be disposable and you can set up monthly delivery of supplies you need from the supply company. If it is determined that you need oxygen as a supplement to the CPAP then you can set up delivery of that, too, at the same time.

You may just need to wear an oral device, custom made and fitted by your dentist to help keep your tongue and soft palate from falling back and closing off your airway when you sleep. Keep in mind you should also limit the use of depressants like alcohol and sedatives which can make your condition worse.

Surgery may be required to remove the obstruction. You may be a candidate for surgery if you have a deviated septum or some other blockage that can safely be removed by a surgical procedure. Obviously, no surgery is completely safe and all precautions should be taken by you and your doctor before the surgery takes place. surgery should be considered only for the most severe cases of obstructive sleep apnea.

These are all options you have for obstructive sleep apnea treatment. It all depends on the severity of the apnea you are diagnosed with as to what treatment options you and you doctor  choose for you.

Intestinal Yeast Infection - Causes And Remedy

Candida albicans try to make our body home. This bacteria doesn't cause any problems as long as your body stays in 'balance' so that the candida can't become overgrown. On occasion something happens that throws off your body's balance which allows the candida to become over grown and that can lead to an infection. An intestinal yeast infection is one type of infection that can be caused by this overgrowth.

There are a few scenarios that will explain how your candida levels will grow unchecked:

1. The beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract, probiotics, fall below a certain level which allows the growth of the candida. This can be caused by many factors, one of the most common is when your doctor prescribes and antibiotic for another condition. Sometimes the antibiotic will kill off the things that you actually don't want to kill off. When that happens there is nothing left to hold the Candida growth in check so it grows to the point of causing an infection. 

If you are prone to yeast infections make sure you talk to your doctor about it before he prescribes and anti biotic. Ask if there is another option. If not, you might just be stuck with a yeast infection to deal with on top  of whatever other condition you are being treated for.

2. A weakened immune system can make you susceptible to many types of illnesses and an intestinal yeast infection is one of them. People who have HIV or who are undergoing chemotherapy are at particular risk of getting an infection since both of these conditions will weaken the immune system dramatically. 

Stress and anxiety are also common causes of a weakened immune system. If possible try to stay relaxed and stress free. I know that that can be hard to do, but if you can learn to relax you may be able to lessen the number of infections you get.

3. Another potential cause of a yeast infection are high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar increases the ability of the candida to grow and thrive and often leads to an infection. If you are prone to a lot of outbreaks, you may want to try and cut your sugar intake. Doing so will likely also help out in other ways, such as an unexpected weight loss which will only help keep your whole body healthier.

4. Some birth control pills can increase your risk of an infection. Also, spermicide creams can alter the balance of vaginal fluids which can increase the risk of an infection. When you take birth control pills you have more estrogen and progesterone which can encourage the candida to grow.

There are some things you can do to minimize your risk of getting an intestinal yeast infection. Cut back on sugar intake, try to avoid taking antibiotics and try to remain as stress free as possible. There are also some factors you simply can't control such as a weakened immune system due to disease. All you can do is to take as many risk factors for an infection away and hope for the best.